Iris-Elm celebrates National Garden Week

In celebration of National Garden Week, Iris Elm Garden Club presented the Pulaski County Public Library a copy of the National Garden Clubs book, The Frightened Frog An Environmental Tale.

The text includes fun frog facts, a story describing the challenges of being a frog, and ways children can "Leap Into Action" to help protect, preserve and support frog and amphibian habitats in their own backyard.

The book was written by Brenda Moore and Jean Ohlmann of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGCI), and illustrated by Emily Lackey.

Do you remember being told to "go outside and play" as a child? The NGCI organization notes that without realizing it, our parents gave us the greatest gift of all, freedom to experience the great outdoors where our imagination ran wild and our stress and unneeded calories melted away.

Every child needs time in a natural setting. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 60 minutes of daily unstructured free play as essential to a child's physical and mental health.

The worldwide initiative to reconnect children with the natural world is making a difference, according to NGCS. As parents, grandparents and educators, we have a pivotal role in the experiences of the future stewards of the natural world. Now is not the time to hesitate, but to "leap into action."

The Frightened Frog book is on display at the Winamac library location, along with other informational displays of the programs offered by the National Garden Clubs, Inc. of which Iris Elm is a member.

For more information on the Frightend Frog and other Garden Club Programs, email the Iris Elm Garden Club at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and visit the club on Facebook at Iris Elm Garden Club.